Factors such as salt dissolved in mortar, sand and water may cause dandruff. In this article, we will discuss ways to prevent dandruff and how to eliminate dandruff. Materials are widely used and common for the facade of the building, and on the other hand, the exterior of the building is visible to everyone, so it is important for the occupants of the building to maintain a beautiful and clean appearance.
But the thing that may bother the residents is the dandruff of the stone facade or brick facade. Dandruff is a natural problem that can occur with any type of stone or brick. Because the water used in bricks and mortar causes more of this problem.
This problem is more common for sedimentary rocks, especially travertine rocks, because these rocks have high water absorption due to high porosity, and the salt of the mortar behind the rock is brought to the surface of the rock after moisture evaporates. The formation of white dandruff on the surface of the stone is due to the presence of sulfate chemical in mortar and cement and the structure of the stone.
This alkaline substance is soluble in water and after the water evaporates, dandruff remains on the surface of the stone. The water used is very important for mortar. In many buildings, well water is used to make mortar, which intensifies the dandruff phenomenon because more salts and salts are found in the well water.
Solution to prevent dandruff
The easiest way to prevent this is to try to use water with less solutes (fresh water is recommended) to make mortar. Another way is to use facade stone with less porosity and higher quality. Greek Maya stone
To remove dandruff or brick, it is recommended that at least 15 days have passed since the facade masonry was dried so that the moisture inside the mortar and materials is completely dry.
Abrasion of the surface: In this traditional method, the dandruff is removed by pulling a cotton sack or rough cloth on the dandruff or sanding with sand. This is responsive when the dandruff is low on the surface of the stone or brick. Sanding on the rock may roughen the surface of the rock.
Washing with water: When dandruff is high, high pressure water is used to remove dandruff and at the same time it is recommended to clean the dandruff with a towel or broom.
Salt ink: Salt ink or hydrochloric acid can dissolve sulfate. It is important to dilute the salt ink so that the concentration of this substance does not damage the facade material.
Nanomaterials: The use of nanomaterials makes the surface of the facade material hydrophobic and no moisture penetrates into it.