Cotton flower granite is one of the most suitable options for use in outdoor and outdoor areas of the building. The high resistance of this stone against high pressure, cold and heat, rain and frost and… has caused it to always be used in outdoor environments of the building.
Also, this stone has a very high strength and its water absorption and penetration is very low. Cotton flower granite is one of the types of granite stones according to different varieties and models has a theme and appearance. The background color of cotton granite is white and light, and on its surface, black, dark and small grains can be seen.
Thestone has a very high quality and beautiful appearance, and it is mainly purchased in the form of longitudinal, carpet and stair scores, and is used in various cases inside and outside the building. General characteristics of cotton flower granite:
Very high density
Extraordinary strength
Proper subs
Suitable abrasion resistance
Very high compressive strength
Lack of absorption and low permeability of water and moisture
And …
Cotton granite granite mines
There are several cotton mud granite mines in Iran that different regions of the country extract and extract this type of stone. The most famous and high quality granite stones of the country are Natanz cotton granite,Nehbandan cotton granite and Zahedan cotton granite.
Annually, a very high and significant volume of this stone is sent to the market in the form of raw (cut) and cut (tiles and slabs) and has a large share in exports.
Export of cotton flower granite
Mainly cotton mud granite for foreign sale and export in the dimensions of 60 * 60, 30 * 60, 60 * 40 and 40 * 80 with a full thickness of 2 cm and packing operations using different pallets Turns. Depending on the type of use and order of customers and buyers, different examples of packaging methods are applicable.
In addition to cutting tiles, this stone is also processed and produced in the form of slabs, which are used in many cases. The dimensions of the slabs vary according to the size and slate of the raw stone and are sold in free dimensions and sizes. Slab cutting and stone processing in large dimensions is done with special devices and machines, and the method of stone preparation is different from the tile method (peak cutting).
At the end : Cotton flower granite is one of the most suitable options for use in outdoor and outdoor areas of the building. The high resistance of this stone against high pressure, cold and heat, rain and frost and… has caused it to always be used in outdoor environments of the building.
Also, this stone has a very high strength and its water absorption and penetration is very low. Positive parameters and suitable properties of cotton mud granite have caused this stone to be used in many office, residential, industrial, commercial and other projects. Due to the high resistance of this stone against industrial detergents and low absorption. Its water is used in many factories, workshops and large industrial kitchens made of granite.