The price of marble
The price of marble blocks depends on two things: the inherent characteristics of marble and its appearance, as well as the quality of processing.
One of the good features of this stone is the limestone lines on the stone: the fewer these lines, the more resistant the marble stone is. This stone is extracted from different mines, each of which has a different quality and type of processing, which can affect its price for sale.
Considering that the amount of variety of stone and the quality of each of them is suitable for a specific climatic region, it can be said that when buying marble building stone blocks in bulk, you should take into account the environmental factors and the type of climate. Consider.
Marble is one of the types of building stones produced in the country that can be exported. The quality of the stone is very important for export. Super, premium and first-class marble is a type of quality marble that is packed for export and ready to be loaded after customs clearance is completed.
Marble or travertine building stone is needed for different purposes, and many construction projects and large offices and stores need these building materials. Different stones are extracted from different mines all over the country, each of which has different technical specifications. and are provided for different purposes.
The major role that producers play in the Iranian stone buying and selling market is very important and they can measure supply and demand and have a supervisory role according to market needs.
Taking into account price fluctuations, the balance of the marble market and the stone market can be balanced. Marble block producers with the ability to produce and process all types of marble have been able to play an effective role in pricing and sales for export and domestic markets.
The quality of marble building stone
Various factors play a role in the quality and ultimately the price of a marble block, but these factors are certainly considered even in the case of other stones.
type of stone*
Absence of impurity and decay and fracture in the stone*
Lips not full of stones*
Stone diameter and dimensions*
The type of material used in the production process*
How to load, transport and ship stone*
Healing properties of marble stone
In the history of the properties of stones, marble has been considered as one of the stones that is related to wisdom and reason. The healing properties of marble from this point of view and in today's language are interpreted in such a way that marble can increase the power of concentration in our home or workplace and subsequently have a very positive effect on our decisions.
It is said that this stone can increase our flexibility under bad environmental and psychological conditions and calm our body and soul.It is interesting to know that the healing properties of this stone are mentioned in Indian medical texts and in this regard it is said that the marble stone brings nobility and mental and intellectual mastery to the people who are around this stone.
It is stated in these texts that if this mental mastery is combined with meditation, it will lead to wisdom and dignity, which is one of the best moral traits.
Both traditional and modern medicine point of view acknowledge and emphasize the extraordinary mental abilities of the human brain. From the traditional point of view, and here specifically complementary medicine and stone therapy, stones have a great effect on the energy centers in the human body, i.e. the chakras.
Chakras provide the necessary energy for human life. In fact, the healing properties of stones can be used to stimulate the inner forces, which leads to the spiritual and psychological development of a person, and after that, the normal life of people is also overshadowed.
The healing properties of marble stone are important in this regard and can have a significant effect on opening the chakras and increasing the inner strength of a person.
Let's not forget that the mind and power of thinking of people is the first word in our daily life and spiritual development. Therefore, by creating an environment that can help us strengthen the mind, we will be able to be on a positive path.
The use of healing and psychological properties of different stones in the form of building materials used in our work environment or personal life is an interesting and effective point. So it is better for architects and interior designers to pay special attention to the healing properties of marble stone, as one of the most used building stones in the construction of buildings and decor design.